1. 背景
Return Type | Methods | Comment |
void | broadcastIntent (string uri, string action, string data, string mimetype, iterable categories dictionary extras, component component, iterable flags) Broadcasts an Intent to this device, as if the Intent were coming from an application. | |
void | drag (tuple start, tuple end, float duration, integer steps) Simulates a drag gesture (touch, hold, and move) on this device's screen. | |
object | getProperty (string key) Given the name of a system environment variable, returns its value for this device. The available variable names are listed in the detailed description of this method. | |
object | getSystemProperty (string key) . The API equivalent of adb shell getprop use by platform developers. | |
void | installPackage (string path) Installs the Android application or test package contained in packageFile onto this device. If the application or test package is already installed, it is replaced. | Obsolete,返回值是Boolean |
dictionary | instrument (string className, dictionary args) Runs the specified component under Android instrumentation, and returns the results in a dictionary whose exact format is dictated by the component being run. The component must already be present on this device. | |
void | press (string name, dictionary type) Sends the key event specified by type to the key specified by keycode. | |
void | reboot (string into) Reboots this device into the bootloader specified by bootloadType. | |
void | removePackage (string package) Deletes the specified package from this device, including its data and cache. | Obsolete,返回值是Boolean |
object | shell (string cmd) Executes an adb shell command and returns the result, if any. | |
void | startActivity (string uri, string action, string data, string mimetype, iterable categories dictionary extras, component component, flags) Starts an Activity on this device by sending an Intent constructed from the supplied arguments. | |
MonkeyImage | takeSnapshot() Captures the entire screen buffer of this device, yielding a MonkeyImage object containing a screen capture of the current display. | |
void | touch (integer x, integer y, integer type) Sends a touch event specified by type to the screen location specified by x and y. | |
void | type (string message) Sends the characters contained in message to this device, as if they had been typed on the device's keyboard. This is equivalent to callingpress() for each keycode in message using the key event type DOWN_AND_UP. | |
void | wake () Wakes the screen of this device. |
Return Type | Methods | Comment |
HierarchyViewer | getHierarchyViewer(PyObject args[], String kws[]) 获取一个HierarchyViewer对象 | 请查看《MonkenRunner通过HierarchyViewer定位控件的方法和建议》 |
PyList | getPropertyList(PyObject args[], String kws[]) | 取得所有的property属性键值 |
PyList | getViewIdList(PyObject args[], String kws[]) | Failed |
MonkeyView | getViewById(PyObject args[], String kws[]) | Failed |
MonkeyView | getViewByAccessibilityIds(PyObject args[], String kws[]) | Failed |
MonkeyView | getRootView(PyObject args[], String kws[]) | Failed |
PyList | getViewsByText(PyObject args[], String kws[]) | Failed |
但可惜的是在本人尝试以上多出来的API的时候,发现除了最上面两个可用之外,其他的都不可用并抛出错误。且网上资料少的可怜,别人碰到同样的问题也找不到解决办法。所以本人怀疑这些“隐藏”API是不是并没有完善,或者说google不准备完善,所以才没有列出到官网上面去。本人用的SDK tools和Platform tools已经是当前最新的23.0.2和20.
2. Void broadcastIntent
(string uri, string action,string data, string mimetype, iterable categories dictionary extras, componentcomponent, iterable flags)
2.1 分析
targetDevice.broadcastIntent(action='android.intent.action.INSERT', mimetype='', extras = {'name':'user1501488', 'phone':'123-15489'}
targetDevice.startActivity(action='android.intent.action.INSERT', mimetype='', extras = {'name':'user1501488', 'phone':'123-15489'})
google了半天网上根本找不到这个方法的使用例子,倒是stackOverFlow上有人建议用Shell来达到同样的效果。"am start -a android.intent.action.INSERT -t -e name 'Donald Duck' -e phone 555-1234").
3. void startActivity
(string uri, string action, string data, string mimetype, iterable categories dictionary extras, component component, flags)
3.1 示例