2.1 设计说明
1、包含 上一首、下一首、暂停/播放、快进/快退、显示当前播放的歌曲名称、显示播放进度条
4、上一首、下一首用随机选择choice(list) 实现
6、歌曲快进播放用pygame.mixer.music.play(0,d_song_time) 实现
7、暂停用pygame.mixer.music.pause() 实现
8、播放用pygame.mixer.music.unpause() 实现
2.2 代码逻辑
# 收集某个目录及子目录下的MP3格式的文件 # 返回歌曲路径、歌曲时长 # [['E:\\musics\\Mirror_Yohee_128K.mp3', 236], ['E:\\musics\\over here_Nobigdyl_128K.mp3', 188], ['E:\\musics\\尘_薛之谦_128K.mp3', 282], ['E:\\musics\\aaa\\尘_薛之谦_128K.mp3', 282]] def collect_songs(fidir): musics =[] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fidir): for file in files: tmp =[] if file.endswith('mp3'): file = os.path.join(root,file) song = MP3(file) duration = round(song.info.length) tmp.append(file) tmp.append(duration) musics.append(tmp) return musics
# 把歌曲名字显示在播放器上 def draw_song_name(music): # 取歌曲名 music_name = music[0].split("\\")[-1] # print(music_name) wbk_obj = font_obj.render(music_name, True, (0, 255, 255)) k_obj = wbk_obj.get_rect() k_obj.center = (340, 200) screen.blit(wbk_obj, k_obj) pygame.display.update()
# 随机播放一首歌 def sing_a_song(musics): # 随机选择一首音乐 music = choice(musics) print(type(musics)) pygame.mixer.music.load(music[0]) pygame.mixer.music.play() print('开始播放:%s -- %s秒'%(music[0] , str(music[1]))) return music
# 播放进度显示 def move(current_time,start_time,pause_duration_time,c_music): if pause_end_time == 0 and pause_start_time != 0: duration_time = round(pause_start_time - start_time - pause_duration_time) else: duration_time = round(current_time - start_time - pause_duration_time) song_total_time = c_music[1] speed = (end_x-begin_x)/song_total_time current_x = begin_x + duration_time*speed try: screen.blit(dian,(current_x,148)) pygame.display.update() except: print(current_time) print(start_time) print(pause_duration_time) exit()
# 快进快退功能 def kuaijin(jindu_x,c_music): # 要跳转到的距离d_x d_x = jindu_x - begin_x song_total_time = c_music[1] # 要跳转到的时间d_song_time d_song_time = round(song_total_time*(d_x/560),1) # 将歌曲快进到d_song_time pygame.mixer.music.play(0,d_song_time)
# 画播放控件 def draw_kongjian(is_sing,is_pause): # 画进度条 # 画一条宽度为2的线,y高度为149,x从40到600,颜色为(0,100,100) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 100, 100), (40, 149), (600, 149), 2) # 画播放、暂停按钮 # 先画圆边框,半径20 pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 80, 100), 20, 2) # 画三角形,开始播放 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 73.7, 107.5), (x + 73.7, 93), 2) # 竖线 # 如果正在播放且没有暂停 if is_sing and not is_pause: # 隐藏三角形 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 89, 115), (x + 73.7, 107.5), (x + 87.3, 100), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 89, 115), (x + 73.7, 93), (x + 87.3, 100), 2) # 显示第二条竖线 pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,255,255),(x+83.7,107.5),(x+83.7,93),2) else: # 隐藏第二条竖线 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 89, 115), (x + 83.7, 107.5), (x + 83.7, 93), 2) # 显示三角形 pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,255,255),(x+73.7,107.5),(x+87.3,100),2) pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,255,255),(x+73.7,93),(x+87.3,100),2) # 画上一首按钮 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x - 10, 110), (x - 10, 90), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x - 10, 100), (x + 10, 115), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x - 10, 100), (x + 10, 85), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 10, 115), (x + 10, 85), 2) # 画下一首按钮 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 170, 110), (x + 170, 90), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 170, 100), (x + 150, 115), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 170, 100), (x + 150, 85), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 150, 115), (x + 150, 85), 2)
while True: # 第一步画背景 screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) # ----------------新添加 # 第二步添加背景图片 bg = pygame.image.load(music_bg) screen.blit(bg, (0, 0)) # 第四步,画控件 draw_kongjian(is_sing,is_pause) # print("status:-------" + str(pygame.mixer.music.get_busy())) # 如果正在播放音乐,有bug == 当暂停后返回依旧是1 if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy() == 1: is_sing = True else: is_sing = False # 如果没有在播放音乐 if not is_sing: # 第五步,开始唱歌 c_music = sing_a_song(musics) # 记录开始播放时间 start_time = time.time() # 暂停时长置为0 pause_start_time = pause_end_time = pause_duration_time = 0 # 进度条开始位置重置为40 begin_x = 40 # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) # 更改播放状态 is_sing = not is_sing # 如果正在唱歌 else: # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) current_time = time.time() move(current_time, start_time, pause_duration_time, c_music) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # 如果点击了鼠标左键,取到当前鼠标的坐标 pressed_array = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if pressed_array[0] == 1: mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos print('点击了左键,位置为(%d,%d)'%(mouse_x,mouse_y)) # 判断点击了哪个按钮 if 80 < mouse_y < 120: if x - 5 < mouse_x < x + 15: # 点击了上一首 c_music = sing_a_song(musics) is_pause = False is_kuaijin = False # 记录开始时间 start_time = time.time() # 暂停时长置为0 pause_start_time = pause_end_time = pause_duration_time = 0 # 进度条开始位置置为40 begin_x = 40 # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) print('点击了上一首') elif x+60 < mouse_x < x+100: # 修改是否暂停的状态 is_pause = not is_pause # 如果没有暂停 if not is_pause: # 开始播放 pygame.mixer.music.unpause() # 记录结束暂定时间 pause_end_time = time.time() # 计算暂停时长 pause_duration_time = pause_duration_time + pause_end_time - pause_start_time # 暂停结束,暂停结束开始时间均置为0 pause_end_time = pause_start_time = 0 # 如果暂停了 else: # 暂停播放 pygame.mixer.music.pause() # 记录开始暂定时间 pause_start_time = time.time() print('点击了暂停') elif x+145 < mouse_x < x+170: # 点击了下一首 c_music = sing_a_song(musics) is_pause = False is_kuaijin = False # 记录开始时间 start_time = time.time() # 暂停时长置为0 pause_start_time = pause_end_time = pause_duration_time =0 # 进度条开始位置置为40 begin_x = 40 # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) print('点击了下一首') # 如果点了进度条的某个位置 elif 155> mouse_y >145: kuaijin(mouse_x,c_music) begin_x = mouse_x pause_end_time = pause_start_time = pause_duration_time = 0 move(current_time,start_time,pause_duration_time,c_music) is_kuaijin = True print("快进") pygame.display.update()
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,time,sys from sys import exit import pygame from pygame.locals import * from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from random import choice def rp(relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ try: # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS base_path = sys._MEIPASS except Exception: base_path = os.path.abspath(".") return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption("music") # 初始化音乐播放器 pygame.mixer.init() # 背景图片 music_bg = rp(os.path.join('src','music_bg.jpg')) # 进度点图片 dian_filename = rp(os.path.join('src','dian.jpg')) dian = pygame.image.load(dian_filename) # 字体 font_obj = pygame.font.Font('C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc',20) # 偏移量基础值 x = 80 # 进度条开始x坐标 begin_x = 40 # 进度条结束x坐标 end_x = 600 # 是否正在播放歌曲,默认未播放 is_sing = False # 是否暂停,默认未暂停 is_pause = False # 是否快进了 is_kuaijin = False # 快进后x坐标 jindu_x = -1 # 定义当前歌曲变量 global c_music # 定义歌曲开始播放时间、当前时间、开始暂停时间、结束暂停时间 global start_time, current_time, pause_start_time, pause_end_time,pause_duration_time pause_start_time =0 pause_end_time =0 pause_duration_time =0 # 把歌曲名字显示在播放器上 def draw_song_name(music): # 取歌曲名 music_name = music[0].split("\\")[-1] # print(music_name) wbk_obj = font_obj.render(music_name, True, (0, 255, 255)) k_obj = wbk_obj.get_rect() k_obj.center = (340, 200) screen.blit(wbk_obj, k_obj) pygame.display.update() # 收集某个目录及子目录下的MP3格式的文件 # 返回歌曲路径、歌曲时长 # [['E:\\musics\\Mirror_Yohee_128K.mp3', 236], ['E:\\musics\\over here_Nobigdyl_128K.mp3', 188], ['E:\\musics\\尘_薛之谦_128K.mp3', 282], ['E:\\musics\\aaa\\尘_薛之谦_128K.mp3', 282]] def collect_songs(fidir): musics =[] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fidir): for file in files: tmp =[] if file.endswith('mp3'): file = os.path.join(root,file) song = MP3(file) duration = round(song.info.length) tmp.append(file) tmp.append(duration) musics.append(tmp) return musics musics = collect_songs('E:\\musics') print(musics) # 随机播放一首歌 def sing_a_song(musics): # 随机选择一首音乐 music = choice(musics) print(type(musics)) pygame.mixer.music.load(music[0]) pygame.mixer.music.play() print('开始播放:%s -- %s秒'%(music[0] , str(music[1]))) return music # 画代表当前进度的圆点 # 画一个直径为5个圆点,放在100,150的位置,颜色为(0,255,255) # dian = pygame.draw.circle(screen,(0,255,255),(begin_x,150),6) # 画播放控件 def draw_kongjian(is_sing,is_pause): # 画进度条 # 画一条宽度为2的线,y高度为149,x从40到600,颜色为(0,100,100) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 100, 100), (40, 149), (600, 149), 2) # 画播放、暂停按钮 # 先画圆边框,半径20 pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 80, 100), 20, 2) # 画三角形,开始播放 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 73.7, 107.5), (x + 73.7, 93), 2) # 竖线 # 如果正在播放且没有暂停 if is_sing and not is_pause: # 隐藏三角形 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 89, 115), (x + 73.7, 107.5), (x + 87.3, 100), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 89, 115), (x + 73.7, 93), (x + 87.3, 100), 2) # 显示第二条竖线 pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,255,255),(x+83.7,107.5),(x+83.7,93),2) else: # 隐藏第二条竖线 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 89, 115), (x + 83.7, 107.5), (x + 83.7, 93), 2) # 显示三角形 pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,255,255),(x+73.7,107.5),(x+87.3,100),2) pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,255,255),(x+73.7,93),(x+87.3,100),2) # 画上一首按钮 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x - 10, 110), (x - 10, 90), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x - 10, 100), (x + 10, 115), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x - 10, 100), (x + 10, 85), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 10, 115), (x + 10, 85), 2) # 画下一首按钮 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 170, 110), (x + 170, 90), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 170, 100), (x + 150, 115), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 170, 100), (x + 150, 85), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (x + 150, 115), (x + 150, 85), 2) # 播放进度显示 def move(current_time,start_time,pause_duration_time,c_music): if pause_end_time == 0 and pause_start_time != 0: duration_time = round(pause_start_time - start_time - pause_duration_time) else: duration_time = round(current_time - start_time - pause_duration_time) song_total_time = c_music[1] speed = (end_x-begin_x)/song_total_time current_x = begin_x + duration_time*speed try: screen.blit(dian,(current_x,148)) pygame.display.update() except: print(current_time) print(start_time) print(pause_duration_time) exit() # 快进快退功能 def kuaijin(jindu_x,c_music): # 要跳转到的距离d_x d_x = jindu_x - begin_x song_total_time = c_music[1] # 要跳转到的时间d_song_time d_song_time = round(song_total_time*(d_x/560),1) # 将歌曲快进到d_song_time pygame.mixer.music.play(0,d_song_time) while True: # 第一步画背景 screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) # ----------------新添加 # 第二步添加背景图片 bg = pygame.image.load(music_bg) screen.blit(bg, (0, 0)) # 第四步,画控件 draw_kongjian(is_sing,is_pause) # print("status:-------" + str(pygame.mixer.music.get_busy())) # 如果正在播放音乐,有bug == 当暂停后返回依旧是1 if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy() == 1: is_sing = True else: is_sing = False # 如果没有在播放音乐 if not is_sing: # 第五步,开始唱歌 c_music = sing_a_song(musics) # 记录开始播放时间 start_time = time.time() # 暂停时长置为0 pause_start_time = pause_end_time = pause_duration_time = 0 # 进度条开始位置重置为40 begin_x = 40 # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) # 更改播放状态 is_sing = not is_sing # 如果正在唱歌 else: # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) current_time = time.time() move(current_time, start_time, pause_duration_time, c_music) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # 如果点击了鼠标左键,取到当前鼠标的坐标 pressed_array = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if pressed_array[0] == 1: mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos print('点击了左键,位置为(%d,%d)'%(mouse_x,mouse_y)) # 判断点击了哪个按钮 if 80 < mouse_y < 120: if x - 5 < mouse_x < x + 15: # 点击了上一首 c_music = sing_a_song(musics) is_pause = False is_kuaijin = False # 记录开始时间 start_time = time.time() # 暂停时长置为0 pause_start_time = pause_end_time = pause_duration_time = 0 # 进度条开始位置置为40 begin_x = 40 # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) print('点击了上一首') elif x+60 < mouse_x < x+100: # 修改是否暂停的状态 is_pause = not is_pause # 如果没有暂停 if not is_pause: # 开始播放 pygame.mixer.music.unpause() # 记录结束暂定时间 pause_end_time = time.time() # 计算暂停时长 pause_duration_time = pause_duration_time + pause_end_time - pause_start_time # 暂停结束,暂停结束开始时间均置为0 pause_end_time = pause_start_time = 0 # 如果暂停了 else: # 暂停播放 pygame.mixer.music.pause() # 记录开始暂定时间 pause_start_time = time.time() print('点击了暂停') elif x+145 < mouse_x < x+170: # 点击了下一首 c_music = sing_a_song(musics) is_pause = False is_kuaijin = False # 记录开始时间 start_time = time.time() # 暂停时长置为0 pause_start_time = pause_end_time = pause_duration_time =0 # 进度条开始位置置为40 begin_x = 40 # 第六步,显示歌名 draw_song_name(c_music) print('点击了下一首') # 如果点了进度条的某个位置 elif 155> mouse_y >145: kuaijin(mouse_x,c_music) begin_x = mouse_x pause_end_time = pause_start_time = pause_duration_time = 0 move(current_time,start_time,pause_duration_time,c_music) is_kuaijin = True print("快进") pygame.display.update()