
-- 按天创建分区表,并通过存储过程定期删除指定天数前的分区


/ 创建按天分区表 */

-- 订单订单资产快照表
drop table DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self;
create table DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self
id_yebassetself VARCHAR2(32) default sys_guid() not null,
vc_tradeacco VARCHAR2(17) not null,
vc_fundcode VARCHAR2(6) not null,
d_carryday DATE not null,
en_cday15endasset NUMBER(16,2),
en_cday24endasset NUMBER(16,2),
en_frozenbala NUMBER(16,2),
en_accumincome NUMBER(16,2),
remark VARCHAR2(200) ,
created_by VARCHAR2(100) not null,
created_date DATE not null,
updated_by VARCHAR2(100) not null,
updated_date DATE not null
partition by range (d_carryday)
partition asset_self_p1 values less than (to_date('2018-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'))

-- Add comments to the table
comment on table DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self
is '订单订单资产快照表';

-- Add comments to the columns
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.id_yebassetself
is '记录编号(唯一)';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.vc_tradeacco
is '交易账号';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.vc_fundcode
is '基金代码';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.d_carryday
is '待分配收益日期';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.en_cday15endasset
is 'cday截止15点资产';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.en_cday24endasset
is 'cday截止24点资产';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.en_frozenbala
is '冻结份额';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.en_accumincome
is '累计收益';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.remark
is '备注';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.CREATED_BY
is '录入人员';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.CREATED_DATE
is '创建日期';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.UPDATED_BY
is '更新人员';
comment on column DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self.UPDATED_DATE
is '更新日期';

-- 创建主键
alter table DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self add constraint PK_tyebasset_ds_self primary key (id_yebassetself) using index initrans 16 ;

-- 创建索引
create unique index DTSDATA.IDX_tyebasset_ds_self on DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self (vc_tradeacco,vc_fundcode,d_carryday) local ;

-- 创建同义词、授权
create or replace public synonym tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self for dtsdata.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self ;
grant select, insert, update, delete on DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self to FDWKTL, DTSOPR, R_DTSDATA_DML;
grant select on DTSDATA.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self to R_DTSDATA_QRY,R_DTSDATA_DEV_QRY;

/ 定时删除分区表历史分区 package/

create or replace package puf_dts_xxx is
procedure del_self_partition(
days in int, --保留天数
r_error_code out int, --错误代码
r_error_message out varchar2 --错误消息
end puf_dts_xxx;

/* 定时删除分区表历史分区 package body /

create or replace package body puf_dts_xxx is
procedure del_self_partition(days in int, --保留天数
r_error_code out int, --错误代码
r_error_message out varchar2 --错误消息
) is
partitions_size int;
delete_size int;
v_partition_name user_tab_partitions.partition_name%TYPE;
cursor c_partitions is
select partition_name from user_tab_partitions
and partition_position > 1
order by partition_position asc;

-- 获取除默认分区外的分区数量
select count(1) into partitions_size
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = 'TYEBASSET_BEFORECASH_DS_SELF';

delete_size := partitions_size - 1 - days;     -- 待删除分区数量

open c_partitions;
  fetch c_partitions
    into v_partition_name;
  EXIT WHEN delete_size <= 0;
    execute immediate 'alter table  dtsdata.tyebasset_beforecash_ds_self drop partition ' || v_partition_name || ' update global indexes ';
    delete_size := delete_size - 1;
end loop;
close c_partitions;

When others then
r_error_code := SQLCODE;
r_error_message := SQLERRM;
'删除' || days || '天前分区失败',

end del_self_partition;

end puf_dts_xxx;

-- 指定分区查询
-- select * from TYEBASSET_BEFORECASH_DS_SELF partition(SYS_P131) ;

-- java代码 通过preparestatement调用
-- call puf_dts_clear_expproc.exportpredeal_proc(?,?,?,?)

--kettle定时任务 TyebassetBeforecashDsSelfMain
