"boolean: The boolean data type has only two possible values: true and false. Use this data type for simple flags that track true/false conditions. This data type represents one bit of information, but its "size" isn't something that's precisely defined."
"In Oracle’s Java Virtual Machine implementation, boolean arrays in the Java programming language are encoded as Java Virtual Machine byte arrays, using 8 bits per boolean element."
在 Oracle 的 Java 虚拟机实现中,Java 语言中的 boolean 数组被编码成 Java 虚拟机的 byte 数组,每个元素占 8 比特。
"The Java Virtual Machine does directly support boolean arrays. Its newarray instruction (§newarray) enables creation of boolean arrays. Arrays of type boolean are accessed and modified using the byte array instructions baload and bastore (§baload, §bastore)."
Java 虚拟机中虽然定义了 boolean 类型,但是支持是很有限的,没有专门的虚拟机指令。
同时在 Java 语言中,对 boolean 值的操作被替换成 int 数据类型。
再去看看 Java 虚拟机规范上是怎么写的。
"Although the Java Virtual Machine defines a boolean type, it only provides very limited support for it. There are no Java Virtual Machine instructions solely dedicated to operations on boolean values. Instead, expressions in the Java programming language that operate on boolean values are compiled to use values of the Java Virtual Machine int data type."
“The Java Virtual Machine encodes boolean array components using 1 to represent true and 0 to represent false . Where Java programming language boolean values are mapped by compilers to values of Java Virtual Machine type int , the compilers must use the same encoding.”
Java 虚拟机使用 1 表示 true ,0 表示 false 来编码 boolean 数组。
Java 语言的 boolean 值被编译器映射成 Java 虚拟机的 int 类型的时候,也是一样的
第二,boolean 类型被编译成 int 类型来使用,占 4 个 byte 。
第三,在 Java 虚拟机里,1 表示 true ,0 表示 false 。