XML DOM的类所在的命名空间为System.Xml中
XmlNode 表示文档中的节点,如果这个节点表示XML的文档的根,就可以从它导航到文档的任意位置
XmlDocument 常常作为使用XML的***个对象,这个类用于加载和保存磁盘上或者其他位置的数据
XmlElement 表示XML文档中的一个元素,派生于XmlLinkedNode,XmlLinkedNode派生于XmlNode
XmlAttribute 表示XMl的一个属性
XmlText 表示开标记和闭标记之间的文本内容
XmlComment 表示一种特殊类型的节点,这种节点不是文档的一部分,但是为读者提供部分信息,通常是注释
XmlNodeList 表示一个节点集合
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement element = document.DocumentElement;//返回一个XmlElement实例
//创建一个节点 private void buttonCreateNode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Load the XML document XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load("../../Books.xml"); // Get the root element XmlElement root = document.DocumentElement; // Create the new nodes XmlElement newBook = document.CreateElement("book"); XmlElement newTitle = document.CreateElement("title"); XmlElement newAuthor = document.CreateElement("author"); XmlElement newCode = document.CreateElement("code"); XmlText title = document.CreateTextNode("Beginning Visual C# 3rd Edition"); XmlText author = document.CreateTextNode("Karli Watson et al"); XmlText code = document.CreateTextNode("1234567890"); XmlComment comment = document.CreateComment("This book is the book you are reading"); // Insert the elements newBook.AppendChild(comment); newBook.AppendChild(newTitle); newBook.AppendChild(newAuthor); newBook.AppendChild(newCode); newTitle.AppendChild(title); newAuthor.AppendChild(author); newCode.AppendChild(code); root.InsertAfter(newBook, root.LastChild); document.Save("../../Books.xml"); listBoxXmlNodes.Items.Clear(); RecurseXmlDocument((XmlNode)document.DocumentElement, 0); } //删除一个节点 private void buttonDeleteNode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Load the XML document XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load("../../Books.xml"); // Get the root element XmlElement root = document.DocumentElement; // Find the node. root is the < books> tag, so its last child which will be the // last < book> node if (root.HasChildNodes) { XmlNode book = root.LastChild; // Delete the child root.RemoveChild(book); // Save the document back to disk document.Save("../../Books.xml"); listBoxXmlNodes.Items.Clear(); RecurseXmlDocument((XmlNode)document.DocumentElement, 0); } } //在一个ListBox中显示文档的所有节点名称以及文本节点的内容 private void RecurseXmlDocument(XmlNode root, int indent) { // Make sure we don't do anything if the root is null if (root == null) return; if (root is XmlElement) // Root is an XmlElement type { // first, print the name listBoxXmlNodes.Items.Add(root.Name.PadLeft(root.Name.Length + indent)); // Then check if there are any child nodes and if there are, call this // method again to print them if (root.HasChildNodes) RecurseXmlDocument(root.FirstChild, indent + 2); // Finally check to see if there are any siblings and if there are // call this method again to have them printed if (root.NextSibling != null) RecurseXmlDocument(root.NextSibling, indent); } else if (root is XmlText) { // Print the text string text = ((XmlText)root).Value; listBoxXmlNodes.Items.Add(text.PadLeft(text.Length + indent)); } else if (root is XmlComment) { // Print text string text = root.Value; listBoxXmlNodes.Items.Add(text.PadLeft(text.Length + indent)); // Then check if there are any child nodes and if there are, call this // method again to print them if (root.HasChildNodes) RecurseXmlDocument(root.FirstChild, indent + 2); // Finally check to see if there are any siblings and if there are // call this method again to have them printed if (root.NextSibling != null) RecurseXmlDocument(root.NextSibling, indent); } } //XPath选择一个节点 //XPath语法相关参考http://www.w3school.com.cn/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp private void buttonQueryNode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Load the XML document XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(@filePath); // Get the root element XmlElement root = document.DocumentElement; string queryStr = textBoxQueryText.Text; XmlNodeList nodeList = root.SelectNodes(queryStr); listBoxXmlNodes.Items.Clear(); foreach (XmlNode n in nodeList) { RecurseXmlDocument(n, 0); } }