
本节简单介绍了XLOG全局(所有进程之间)共享的数据结构:XLogCtlData和XLogCtlInsert。在这两个结构体中,存储了REDO point/Lock等相关重要的信息.




 * Shared state data for WAL insertion.
 * WAL插入记录时使用的共享数据结构
typedef struct XLogCtlInsert
    slock_t     insertpos_lck;  /* protects CurrBytePos and PrevBytePos */

     * CurrBytePos is the end of reserved WAL. The next record will be
     * inserted at that position. PrevBytePos is the start position of the
     * previously inserted (or rather, reserved) record - it is copied to the
     * prev-link of the next record. These are stored as "usable byte
     * positions" rather than XLogRecPtrs (see XLogBytePosToRecPtr()).
     * CurrBytePos是保留WAL的结束位置。
     *   下一条记录将插入到那个位置。
     * PrevBytePos是先前插入(或者保留)记录的起始位置——它被复制到下一条记录的prev-link中。
     * 这些存储为“可用字节位置”,而不是XLogRecPtrs(参见XLogBytePosToRecPtr())。
    uint64      CurrBytePos;
    uint64      PrevBytePos;

     * Make sure the above heavily-contended spinlock and byte positions are
     * on their own cache line. In particular, the RedoRecPtr and full page
     * write variables below should be on a different cache line. They are
     * read on every WAL insertion, but updated rarely, and we don't want
     * those reads to steal the cache line containing Curr/PrevBytePos.
     * 确保以上激烈竞争的自旋锁和字节位置在它们自己的缓存line上。
     * 特别是,RedoRecPtr和下面的全页写变量应该位于不同的缓存line上。
     * 它们在每次插入WAL时都被读取,但很少更新,
     *   我们不希望这些读取窃取包含Curr/PrevBytePos的缓存line。
    char        pad[PG_CACHE_LINE_SIZE];

     * fullPageWrites is the master copy used by all backends to determine
     * whether to write full-page to WAL, instead of using process-local one.
     * This is required because, when full_page_writes is changed by SIGHUP,
     * we must WAL-log it before it actually affects WAL-logging by backends.
     * Checkpointer sets at startup or after SIGHUP.
     * fullpagewrite是所有后台进程使用的主副本,
     *   用于确定是否将整个页面写入WAL,而不是使用process-local副本。
     * 这是必需的,因为当SIGHUP更改full_page_write时,
     *   我们必须在它通过后台进程实际影响WAL-logging之前对其进行WAL-log记录。
     * Checkpointer检查点设置在启动或SIGHUP之后。
     * To read these fields, you must hold an insertion lock. To modify them,
     * you must hold ALL the locks.
     * 为了读取这些域,必须持有insertion lock.
     * 如需更新,则需要持有所有这些lock. 
    //插入时的当前redo point
    XLogRecPtr  RedoRecPtr;     /* current redo point for insertions */
    bool        forcePageWrites;    /* forcing full-page writes for PITR? */
    bool        fullPageWrites;

     * exclusiveBackupState indicates the state of an exclusive backup (see
     * comments of ExclusiveBackupState for more details). nonExclusiveBackups
     * is a counter indicating the number of streaming base backups currently
     * in progress. forcePageWrites is set to true when either of these is
     * non-zero. lastBackupStart is the latest checkpoint redo location used
     * as a starting point for an online backup.
     * exclusive sivebackupstate表示排他备份的状态
     * (有关详细信息,请参阅exclusive sivebackupstate的注释)。
     * 非排他性备份是一个计数器,指示当前正在进行的流基础备份的数量。
     * forcePageWrites在这两个值都不为零时被设置为true。
     * lastBackupStart用作在线备份起点的最新检查点的重做位置。
    ExclusiveBackupState exclusiveBackupState;
    int         nonExclusiveBackups;
    XLogRecPtr  lastBackupStart;

     * WAL insertion locks.
     * WAL写入锁
    WALInsertLockPadded *WALInsertLocks;
} XLogCtlInsert;


 * Total shared-memory state for XLOG.
 * XLOG的所有共享内存状态信息
typedef struct XLogCtlData
    XLogCtlInsert Insert;//插入控制器

    /* Protected by info_lck: */
    //------ 通过info_lck锁保护
    XLogwrtRqst LogwrtRqst;
    XLogRecPtr  RedoRecPtr;     /* a recent copy of Insert->RedoRecPtr */
    //最后的checkpoint的nextXID & epoch
    uint32      ckptXidEpoch;   /* nextXID & epoch of latest checkpoint */
    TransactionId ckptXid;
    XLogRecPtr  asyncXactLSN;   /* LSN of newest async commit/abort */
    XLogRecPtr  replicationSlotMinLSN;  /* oldest LSN needed by any slot */
    XLogSegNo   lastRemovedSegNo;   /* latest removed/recycled XLOG segment */

    /* Fake LSN counter, for unlogged relations. Protected by ulsn_lck. */
    //---- "伪装"的LSN计数器,用于不需要记录日志的关系.通过ulsn_lck锁保护
    XLogRecPtr  unloggedLSN;
    slock_t     ulsn_lck;

    /* Time and LSN of last xlog segment switch. Protected by WALWriteLock. */
    //---- 切换后最新的xlog段的时间线和LSN,通过WALWriteLock锁保护
    pg_time_t   lastSegSwitchTime;
    XLogRecPtr  lastSegSwitchLSN;

     * Protected by info_lck and WALWriteLock (you must hold either lock to
     * read it, but both to update)
     * 通过info_lck和WALWriteLock保护
     * (必须持有其中之一才能读取,必须全部持有才能更新)
    XLogwrtResult LogwrtResult;

     * Latest initialized page in the cache (last byte position + 1).
     * 在缓存中最后初始化的page(最后一个字节位置 + 1)
     * To change the identity of a buffer (and InitializedUpTo), you need to
     * hold WALBufMappingLock.  To change the identity of a buffer that's
     * still dirty, the old page needs to be written out first, and for that
     * you need WALWriteLock, and you need to ensure that there are no
     * in-progress insertions to the page by calling
     * WaitXLogInsertionsToFinish().
     * 如需改变缓冲区的标识(以及InitializedUpTo),需要持有WALBufMappingLock锁.
     * 改变标记为dirty的缓冲区的标识符,旧的page需要先行写出,因此必须持有WALWriteLock锁,
     *   而且必须确保没有正在通过调用WaitXLogInsertionsToFinish()进行执行中的插入page操作
    XLogRecPtr  InitializedUpTo;

     * These values do not change after startup, although the pointed-to pages
     * and xlblocks values certainly do.  xlblock values are protected by
     * WALBufMappingLock.
     * 在启动后这些值不会修改,虽然pointed-to pages和xlblocks值通常会更改.
     * xlblock的值通过WALBufMappingLock锁保护.
    //未写入的XLOG pages的缓存
    char       *pages;          /* buffers for unwritten XLOG pages */
    //ptr-s的第一个字节 + XLOG_BLCKSZ
    XLogRecPtr *xlblocks;       /* 1st byte ptr-s + XLOG_BLCKSZ */
    int         XLogCacheBlck;  /* highest allocated xlog buffer index */

     * Shared copy of ThisTimeLineID. Does not change after end-of-recovery.
     * If we created a new timeline when the system was started up,
     * PrevTimeLineID is the old timeline's ID that we forked off from.
     * Otherwise it's equal to ThisTimeLineID.
     * ThisTimeLineID的共享拷贝.
     * 在完成恢复后不要修改.
     * 如果在系统启动后创建了一个新的时间线,PrevTimeLineID是从旧时间线分叉的ID.
     * 否则,PrevTimeLineID = ThisTimeLineID
    TimeLineID  ThisTimeLineID;
    TimeLineID  PrevTimeLineID;

     * SharedRecoveryInProgress indicates if we're still in crash or archive
     * recovery.  Protected by info_lck.
     * SharedRecoveryInProgress标记是否处于宕机或者归档恢复中,通过info_lck锁保护.
    bool        SharedRecoveryInProgress;

     * SharedHotStandbyActive indicates if we're still in crash or archive
     * recovery.  Protected by info_lck.
     * SharedHotStandbyActive标记是否处于宕机或者归档恢复中,通过info_lck锁保护.
    bool        SharedHotStandbyActive;

     * WalWriterSleeping indicates whether the WAL writer is currently in
     * low-power mode (and hence should be nudged if an async commit occurs).
     * Protected by info_lck.
     * WalWriterSleeping标记WAL writer进程是否处于"节能"模式
     * (因此,如果发生异步提交,应该对其进行微操作).
     * 通过info_lck锁保护.
    bool        WalWriterSleeping;

     * recoveryWakeupLatch is used to wake up the startup process to continue
     * WAL replay, if it is waiting for WAL to arrive or failover trigger file
     * to appear.
     * recoveryWakeupLatch等待WAL arrive或者failover触发文件出现,
     *   如出现则唤醒启动进程继续执行WAL回放.
    Latch       recoveryWakeupLatch;

     * During recovery, we keep a copy of the latest checkpoint record here.
     * lastCheckPointRecPtr points to start of checkpoint record and
     * lastCheckPointEndPtr points to end+1 of checkpoint record.  Used by the
     * checkpointer when it wants to create a restartpoint.
     * 在恢复期间,我们保存最后检查点记录的一个拷贝在这里.
     * lastCheckPointRecPtr指向检查点的起始位置
     * lastCheckPointEndPtr指向执行检查点的结束点+1位置
     * 在checkpointer进程希望创建一个重新启动的点时使用.
     * Protected by info_lck.
     * 使用info_lck锁保护.
    XLogRecPtr  lastCheckPointRecPtr;
    XLogRecPtr  lastCheckPointEndPtr;
    CheckPoint  lastCheckPoint;

     * lastReplayedEndRecPtr points to end+1 of the last record successfully
     * replayed. When we're currently replaying a record, ie. in a redo
     * function, replayEndRecPtr points to the end+1 of the record being
     * replayed, otherwise it's equal to lastReplayedEndRecPtr.
     * lastReplayedEndRecPtr指向最后一个成功回放的记录的结束点 + 1的位置.
     * 如果正处于redo函数回放记录期间,那么replayEndRecPtr指向正在恢复的记录的结束点 + 1的位置,
     * 否则replayEndRecPtr = lastReplayedEndRecPtr
    XLogRecPtr  lastReplayedEndRecPtr;
    TimeLineID  lastReplayedTLI;
    XLogRecPtr  replayEndRecPtr;
    TimeLineID  replayEndTLI;
    /* timestamp of last COMMIT/ABORT record replayed (or being replayed) */
    TimestampTz recoveryLastXTime;

     * timestamp of when we started replaying the current chunk of WAL data,
     * only relevant for replication or archive recovery
     * 我们开始回放当前的WAL chunk的时间戳(仅与复制或存档恢复相关)
    TimestampTz currentChunkStartTime;
    /* Are we requested to pause recovery? */
    bool        recoveryPause;

     * lastFpwDisableRecPtr points to the start of the last replayed
     * XLOG_FPW_CHANGE record that instructs full_page_writes is disabled.
     * lastFpwDisableRecPtr指向最后已回放的XLOG_FPW_CHANGE记录(禁用对整个页面的写指令)的起始点.
    XLogRecPtr  lastFpwDisableRecPtr;
    slock_t     info_lck;       /* locks shared variables shown above */
} XLogCtlData;

static XLogCtlData *XLogCtl = NULL;



(gdb) p XLogCtl
$6 = (XLogCtlData *) 0x7f391e00ea80
(gdb) p *XLogCtl
$7 = {Insert = {insertpos_lck = 0 '\000', CurrBytePos = 5494680728, PrevBytePos = 5494680616, 
    pad = '\000' , RedoRecPtr = 5510830896, forcePageWrites = false, fullPageWrites = true, 
    exclusiveBackupState = EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_NONE, nonExclusiveBackups = 0, lastBackupStart = 0, 
    WALInsertLocks = 0x7f391e013100}, LogwrtRqst = {Write = 5510831008, Flush = 5510831008}, RedoRecPtr = 5510830896, 
  ckptXidEpoch = 0, ckptXid = 2036, asyncXactLSN = 5510830896, replicationSlotMinLSN = 0, lastRemovedSegNo = 0, 
  unloggedLSN = 1, ulsn_lck = 0 '\000', lastSegSwitchTime = 1545962218, lastSegSwitchLSN = 5507670464, LogwrtResult = {
    Write = 5510831008, Flush = 5510831008}, InitializedUpTo = 5527601152, pages = 0x7f391e014000 "\230\320\006", 
  xlblocks = 0x7f391e00f088, XLogCacheBlck = 2047, ThisTimeLineID = 1, PrevTimeLineID = 1, 
  archiveCleanupCommand = '\000' , SharedRecoveryInProgress = false, SharedHotStandbyActive = false, 
  WalWriterSleeping = true, recoveryWakeupLatch = {is_set = 0, is_shared = true, owner_pid = 0}, lastCheckPointRecPtr = 0, 
  lastCheckPointEndPtr = 0, lastCheckPoint = {redo = 0, ThisTimeLineID = 0, PrevTimeLineID = 0, fullPageWrites = false, 
    nextXidEpoch = 0, nextXid = 0, nextOid = 0, nextMulti = 0, nextMultiOffset = 0, oldestXid = 0, oldestXidDB = 0, 
    oldestMulti = 0, oldestMultiDB = 0, time = 0, oldestCommitTsXid = 0, newestCommitTsXid = 0, oldestActiveXid = 0}, 
  lastReplayedEndRecPtr = 0, lastReplayedTLI = 0, replayEndRecPtr = 0, replayEndTLI = 0, recoveryLastXTime = 0, 
  currentChunkStartTime = 0, recoveryPause = false, lastFpwDisableRecPtr = 0, info_lck = 0 '\000'}

2.RedoRecPtr为5510830896 -> 1/48789B30,该值与pg_control文件中的REDO location相对应.

[xdb@localhost ~]$ pg_controldata|grep REDO
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    1/48789B30
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file:    000000010000000100000048



PostgreSQL 源码解读(4)- 插入数据#3(heap_insert)
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