[oracle@slient ~]$opatch
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Syntax Error... No command specified.
Usage: opatch [ -help ] [ -report ] [ command ]
command := apply
:= -help Displays the help message for the command.
-report Print the actions without executing.
'opatch -help'
'opatch -help -fmw'
'opatch auto -help'
'opatch apply -help'
'opatch lsinventory -help'
'opatch lspatches -help'
'opatch napply -help'
'opatch nrollback -help'
'opatch rollback -help'
'opatch prereq -help'
'opatch util -help'
OPatch failed with error code 14
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch auto -help
: opatch auto -h # to see this message
: This command must be run as root user and needs Opatch version
: or above.
: Case 1 - On each node of the CRS cluster in case of Non Shared CRS Home.
: Case 2 - On any one node of the CRS cluster is case of Shared CRS home.
:Patch Location
: Path to the location for the patch. If the patch
: location is not specified, then the current directory
: is taken as the patch location
: -rollback The patch will be rolled back, not applied
: -oh comma seperated list of Oracle homes to patch
: The default is all applicable Oracle Homes.
: use this option to patch RDBMS homes where
: no database is registered.
: -och Path of Oracle Clusterware home.
: use this option to patch only clusterware home
: with stack down.Do not use this option with CRS
: stack up. This only patches the Clusterware home
: Suggested mode of operation:
:# 1. apply the patch with the unzipped patch location
: This applies the patch to all applicable homes on the machine
: opatch auto
:# 2. Rollback the patch.
: This rolls back the patch from all the applicable homes on the machine
: opatch auto -rollback
:# 3. apply the patch with -oh option
: This option allows to apply patch on selective list of oracle homes
: opatch auto -oh /ora/oh2,/ora/oh3,/ora/oh4
:# 4. apply the patch with -och option
: This option is used to only patch the CRS home when
: Clusterware stack is down.
: opatch auto -och /ora/ora_crs_home
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch apply -help
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
This operation applies an interim patch to an ORACLE_HOME from
the current directory. The patch location can specified using
the parameter patch_location.
opatch apply [-connectString ]
[-delay ] [ -force ] [ -force_conflict ]
quotes> [-opatch_init_end] ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ] [-local ] [-local_node ]
[-minimize_downtime ] [-no_bug_superset ] [-no_inventory ]
[-no_relink] [-no_sysmod] [-ocmrf ]
[-oh ]
quotes> [-opatch_post_end] ]
in escaped double quotes> [-opatch_pre_end] ]
[-profile_mask ]
[-property_file ]
[-ptlConnect ]
[-ptlPassword ]
[-ptlSchema ]
[-remote_nodes ]
[silent ] [-sqlScript ] [-verbose ]
[ ]
Apply the patch using all-node mode.
This option can be used to specify the list of database
instances on which the patch needs to be applied. The
value for this option is specified as per the following
syntax "SID:User:Passwd:Node". The SID is a must, others
can be ignored, OPatch takes default values for it.
Ex: oracle:dba:dba:mymachine,oracle1:::
NOTE: If the system is not part of RAC setup, then to
patch just the local node, provide the node name as
empty string.
If -retry is specified, this options tells OPatch how
many seconds it should wait before attempting to lock
inventory again in case of a previous failure.
This option is meaningful with 'silent' option and is used
to override the behavior of silent under specific
If a conflict exist which prevents the patch from being
applied, the -force_conflict flag can be used to apply the
patch. OPatch will remove all the conflicting patches before
applying the current patch. This will override the 'silent'
behavior for conflicts and hence is meaningful only when used
with 'silent' option.
This option is used to pass parameters to the init
script. This script is executed before prerequisite checks
are run. The value for this option have to be enclosed
in double quotes. This option should be ended by option
Used to locate the oraInst.loc file. Needed when the
installation used the -invPtrLoc flag. This should be
the path to the oraInst.loc file
This option tells OPatch to use JRE (java) from the
specified location instead of the default location
under Oracle Home.
Patch the local node, then update inventory of the
local node. Do not propagate the patch or inventory
update to other nodes.
This option can be used to specify to OPatch the local
node name to be used for RAC mode application of the patch
Only applied to RAC instances. User supplies the
order of nodes to be patched. This option cannot be
used in conjunction with -local option with a rolling
This option tells OPatch to error out if the current
patch's bugs-to-fix is a super-set (or same set) of an
installed patch's bugs-fixed in the Oracle Home.
This option specifies not to update the inventory, it
just updates the files in the system.
If inventory is readable, then OPatch tries to read the
The nolink option does not perform any make operations.
This option can be used during multiple patch
applications and perform the linking step only once.
OPatch does not keep track of the make operations it
did not perform. It is the job of the OPatch users to
make sure the execute OPatch without this option at
the end, so that compilation happens once
This option specifies not to update the files in the
system. It just updates the inventory. It also will not
execute the pre and post scripts
Give OPatch the absolute path to the OCM response file
to be used for OCM configuration. -silent must be used
in conjunction with -ocmrf if Oracle Home doesn't have
OCM installed and configured.
The oracle home to work on. This takes precedence over
the environment variable ORACLE_HOME
This option is used to mark the end of init options.
Without this option everything after init till end of
the command is passed into init. This option is
meaningless without -init option.
This option is used to mark the end of post options.
Without this option everything after post till end of
the command is passed into post. This option is
meaningless without -post option.
This option is used to mark the end of pre options.
Without this option everything after pre till end of
the command is passed into pre. This option is
meaningless without -pre option.
This option is used to pass parameters to the post script.
This script is executed after application of the patch.
The value for this option have to be enclosed in double
quotes. This option should be ended by option
This option is used to pass parameters to the pre
script. This script is executed before application of
the patch. The value for this option have to be enclosed
in double quotes. This option should be ended by option
If the patch to be applied specifies WLS patch/patchset
as prerequisites, OPatch will read the WLS default patch
profile. To have OPatch read non-default patch profile,
specify the patch profile name with this option.
The user defined property file for OPatch to use. The
path to the property file should be absolute. This
property file takes precedence over the one that is
supplied with OPatch
This option can be used to specify the connect string of the
portal schema
This option can be used to specify the password of the portal
This option can be used to specify the schema of the portal
repository patch
This option can be used to specify to OPatch the list
of remote nodes to be used for RAC mode application of
the patch. The node names are comma separated and
without spaces
Just prints out the actions without executing
This option tells OPatch how many times it should retry
in case of an inventory lock failure.
This option can be used to specify OPatch to run the
sql scripts and sql procedures if they are present in the
given patch.
This suppresses any user-interaction
This option can be used to specify the custom sql script
to be run by OPatch after patching is completed
This option prints more OPatch output to the screen as
well as to the log file
Patch Location
Path to the location for the patch. If the patch
location is not specified, then the current directory
is taken as the patch location.
OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch lsinventory -help
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
List the inventory for a particular $ORACLE_HOME or display all
installations that can be found.
opatch lsinventory [-all ] [-all_nodes] [-bugs_fixed ]
[-delay ] [-detail ] [-group_by_date ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ] [-local ]
[-oh ] [-patch ]
[-patch_id ]
[-ptlConnect ]
[-ptlPassword ]
[-ptlSchema ]
[-property_file ]
[-retry ] [-translation_patch ]
Report the name and installation directory for each
Reports the patches installed on the given Oracle Home
in all nodes of the RAC system. It also prints the oracle
binary's size and checksum on all nodes. This option cannot
be used in conjunction with -all, -detail, -patch.
Reports bugs fixed by installed patches in a tabular format.
Besides the bugs fixed, the report also displays the installed
patches, installed times, and bug descriptions.
The fixed bugs are sorted per installed patch. Default display
is patches in descending order based on installed time and
ascending order of bugs within each patch. You can use 'asc'
(or) 'desc' with this option to enforce sort order on bugs
within each patch.
You can use this option with the patch (or) patch_id option to
obtain sort orders with installed patches.
If -retry is specified, this option tells OPatch how
many seconds it should wait before attempting to lock
inventory again in case of a previous failure.
Report installed products and other details. This
option cannot be used in conjunction with all option.
This option tells OPatch to group all installed
patches by the date they were installed in the
Oracle Home
This option lists all the inactive patches that have been
superseded by other superset patch(es) installed in the
Oracle Home
Used to locate the oraInst.loc file. When the
installation used the invPtrLoc flag. This should be
the path to the oraInst.loc file
This option tells OPatch to use JRE (java) from the
specified location instead of the default location
under Oracle Home
This option tells OPatch to display inventory
information of the local node only
The oracle home to work on. This takes precedence over
the environment variable ORACLE_HOME
Lists the patch IDs installed in the Oracle home in ascending
(asc) or descending (desc) order, which is the default, based on
installed time.
Lists the patch IDs installed in the oracle home
in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order based on
patch numbers. The value defaults to ascending (asc).
This option is used to specify the connect string credentials
of the portal schema
This option is used to specify the password of the portal
This option is used to specify the schema of the portal
The user defined property file for OPatch to use. The
path to the property file should be absolute. This
property file takes precedence over the one that is
supplied with OPatch
This option tells OPatch how many times it should
retry in case of an inventory lock failure
Report installed translation patch(es) in a tabular format.
The report displays translation patch, unique patch identifier,
language code, installed time of the translation patch and base
patch for any single row in the table.
This operation does not have any required parameters.
OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch lspatches -help
List and verify patch metadata specified by patch ID (installed in
ORACLE_HOME) or patch location.
opatch lspatches [-id ]
[-qfile ]
[ -bugs ]
[ -verify ]
[ -required ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ]
[-oh ]
[ ]
This option specifies the patch number. It must be registered
in the Oracle Home inventory. It can be any numeric sequence or
combined with language. Ex. 11111, 11111/zh_CN. It can't support
multiple patch IDs.
Specify the relative path to Oracle Home of the file to determine
the latest patch that touches this file.
Ex. On Linux: admin/rdbms/catcpu.sql
On Windows: admin\rdbms\catcpu.sql
OPatch can tell which latest patch touches the file catcpu.sql
in Oracle Home.
Print bugs info for every patch.
This option would verify if the specified patch ID or patch
location is registered in Oracle Home inventory or not. Besides,
it will verify if all patch files are ok in $ORACLE_HOME.
This option should be accompanied by either option -id
or .
Ex. opatch lspatches -id 111 -verify
opatch lspatches /scratch/test/111 -verify
This option will print key metadata only. This includes the
following metadata: required components, prereq patches,
executables to shutdown and support platforms.
This option should be accompanied by either option -id
or .
Used to locate the oraInst.loc file. When the installation uses
the invPtrLoc flag, the value should indicate the path to
oraInst.loc file
This option tells OPatch to use JRE (java) from the
specified location instead of the default location
under Oracle Home
The oracle home to work on. This takes precedence over
the environment variable ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch napply -help
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
This operation is used to Apply a set of patches at a time.
Use -silent to apply the patches in silent mode.
opatch napply [patch_location] [-id comma-separated list of patch IDs]
[ -all_nodes ]
[-connectString ]
[-delay ] [ -force ] [ -force_conflict ]
quotes> [-opatch_init_end] ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ] [ -local ]
[ -local_node ]
[-minimize_downtime ] [-no_bug_superset ]
[-no_inventory ] [-no_relink]
[-no_sysmod] [-ocmrf ]
[-oh ]
[ -phBaseDir
of patch directories> ]
[ -phBaseFile
location of the patches to be applied> ]
escaped double quotes> [-opatch_post_end] ]
escaped double quotes> [-opatch_pre_end] ]
[-profile_mask ]
[ -property_file ]
[-ptlConnect ]
[-ptlPassword ]
[-ptlSchema ]
[ -remote_nodes ]
[-retry ] [-runSql] [-silent ]
[-skip_subset] [-skip_duplicate]
[-sqlScript ] [-verbose ]
Apply the patch using all-node mode.
This option can be used to specify the list of database
instances on which the patch needs to be applied. The
value for this option is specified as per the following
syntax "SID:User:Passwd:Node". The SID is a must, others
can be ignored, OPatch takes default values for it.
Ex: oracle:dba:dba:mymachine,oracle1:::
NOTE: If the system is not part of RAC setup, then to
patch just the local node, provide the node name as
empty string.
If -retry is specified, this options tells OPatch how
many seconds it should wait before attempting to lock
inventory again in case of a previous failure.
This option is meaningful with 'silent' option and is used
to override the behavior of silent under specific
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Syntax Error... No command specified.
Usage: opatch [ -help ] [ -report ] [ command ]
command := apply
:= -help Displays the help message for the command.
-report Print the actions without executing.
'opatch -help'
'opatch -help -fmw'
'opatch auto -help'
'opatch apply -help'
'opatch lsinventory -help'
'opatch lspatches -help'
'opatch napply -help'
'opatch nrollback -help'
'opatch rollback -help'
'opatch prereq -help'
'opatch util -help'
OPatch failed with error code 14
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch auto -help
: opatch auto -h # to see this message
: This command must be run as root user and needs Opatch version
: or above.
: Case 1 - On each node of the CRS cluster in case of Non Shared CRS Home.
: Case 2 - On any one node of the CRS cluster is case of Shared CRS home.
:Patch Location
: Path to the location for the patch. If the patch
: location is not specified, then the current directory
: is taken as the patch location
: -rollback The patch will be rolled back, not applied
: -oh comma seperated list of Oracle homes to patch
: The default is all applicable Oracle Homes.
: use this option to patch RDBMS homes where
: no database is registered.
: -och Path of Oracle Clusterware home.
: use this option to patch only clusterware home
: with stack down.Do not use this option with CRS
: stack up. This only patches the Clusterware home
: Suggested mode of operation:
:# 1. apply the patch with the unzipped patch location
: This applies the patch to all applicable homes on the machine
: opatch auto
:# 2. Rollback the patch.
: This rolls back the patch from all the applicable homes on the machine
: opatch auto -rollback
:# 3. apply the patch with -oh option
: This option allows to apply patch on selective list of oracle homes
: opatch auto
:# 4. apply the patch with -och option
: This option is used to only patch the CRS home when
: Clusterware stack is down.
: opatch auto
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch apply -help
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
This operation applies an interim patch to an ORACLE_HOME from
the current directory. The patch location can specified using
the parameter patch_location.
opatch apply [-connectString ]
[-delay ] [ -force ] [ -force_conflict ]
quotes> [-opatch_init_end] ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ] [-local ] [-local_node ]
[-minimize_downtime ] [-no_bug_superset ] [-no_inventory ]
[-no_relink] [-no_sysmod] [-ocmrf ]
[-oh ]
quotes> [-opatch_post_end] ]
in escaped double quotes> [-opatch_pre_end] ]
[-profile_mask ]
[-property_file ]
[-ptlConnect ]
[-ptlPassword ]
[-ptlSchema ]
[-remote_nodes ]
[silent ] [-sqlScript ] [-verbose ]
[ ]
Apply the patch using all-node mode.
This option can be used to specify the list of database
instances on which the patch needs to be applied. The
value for this option is specified as per the following
syntax "SID:User:Passwd:Node". The SID is a must, others
can be ignored, OPatch takes default values for it.
Ex: oracle:dba:dba:mymachine,oracle1:::
NOTE: If the system is not part of RAC setup, then to
patch just the local node, provide the node name as
empty string.
If -retry is specified, this options tells OPatch how
many seconds it should wait before attempting to lock
inventory again in case of a previous failure.
This option is meaningful with 'silent' option and is used
to override the behavior of silent under specific
If a conflict exist which prevents the patch from being
applied, the -force_conflict flag can be used to apply the
patch. OPatch will remove all the conflicting patches before
applying the current patch. This will override the 'silent'
behavior for conflicts and hence is meaningful only when used
with 'silent' option.
This option is used to pass parameters to the init
script. This script is executed before prerequisite checks
are run. The value for this option have to be enclosed
in double quotes. This option should be ended by option
Used to locate the oraInst.loc file. Needed when the
installation used the -invPtrLoc flag. This should be
the path to the oraInst.loc file
This option tells OPatch to use JRE (java) from the
specified location instead of the default location
under Oracle Home.
Patch the local node, then update inventory of the
local node. Do not propagate the patch or inventory
update to other nodes.
This option can be used to specify to OPatch the local
node name to be used for RAC mode application of the patch
Only applied to RAC instances. User supplies the
order of nodes to be patched. This option cannot be
used in conjunction with -local option with a rolling
This option tells OPatch to error out if the current
patch's bugs-to-fix is a super-set (or same set) of an
installed patch's bugs-fixed in the Oracle Home.
This option specifies not to update the inventory, it
just updates the files in the system.
If inventory is readable, then OPatch tries to read the
The nolink option does not perform any make operations.
This option can be used during multiple patch
applications and perform the linking step only once.
OPatch does not keep track of the make operations it
did not perform. It is the job of the OPatch users to
make sure the execute OPatch without this option at
the end, so that compilation happens once
This option specifies not to update the files in the
system. It just updates the inventory. It also will not
execute the pre and post scripts
Give OPatch the absolute path to the OCM response file
to be used for OCM configuration. -silent must be used
in conjunction with -ocmrf if Oracle Home doesn't have
OCM installed and configured.
The oracle home to work on. This takes precedence over
the environment variable ORACLE_HOME
This option is used to mark the end of init options.
Without this option everything after init till end of
the command is passed into init. This option is
meaningless without -init option.
This option is used to mark the end of post options.
Without this option everything after post till end of
the command is passed into post. This option is
meaningless without -post option.
This option is used to mark the end of pre options.
Without this option everything after pre till end of
the command is passed into pre. This option is
meaningless without -pre option.
This option is used to pass parameters to the post script.
This script is executed after application of the patch.
The value for this option have to be enclosed in double
quotes. This option should be ended by option
This option is used to pass parameters to the pre
script. This script is executed before application of
the patch. The value for this option have to be enclosed
in double quotes. This option should be ended by option
If the patch to be applied specifies WLS patch/patchset
as prerequisites, OPatch will read the WLS default patch
profile. To have OPatch read non-default patch profile,
specify the patch profile name with this option.
The user defined property file for OPatch to use. The
path to the property file should be absolute. This
property file takes precedence over the one that is
supplied with OPatch
This option can be used to specify the connect string of the
portal schema
This option can be used to specify the password of the portal
This option can be used to specify the schema of the portal
repository patch
This option can be used to specify to OPatch the list
of remote nodes to be used for RAC mode application of
the patch. The node names are comma separated and
without spaces
Just prints out the actions without executing
This option tells OPatch how many times it should retry
in case of an inventory lock failure.
This option can be used to specify OPatch to run the
sql scripts and sql procedures if they are present in the
given patch.
This suppresses any user-interaction
This option can be used to specify the custom sql script
to be run by OPatch after patching is completed
This option prints more OPatch output to the screen as
well as to the log file
Patch Location
Path to the location for the patch. If the patch
location is not specified, then the current directory
is taken as the patch location.
OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch lsinventory -help
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
List the inventory for a particular $ORACLE_HOME or display all
installations that can be found.
opatch lsinventory [-all ] [-all_nodes] [-bugs_fixed ]
[-delay ] [-detail ] [-group_by_date ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ] [-local ]
[-oh ] [-patch ]
[-patch_id ]
[-ptlConnect ]
[-ptlPassword ]
[-ptlSchema ]
[-property_file ]
[-retry ] [-translation_patch ]
Report the name and installation directory for each
Reports the patches installed on the given Oracle Home
in all nodes of the RAC system. It also prints the oracle
binary's size and checksum on all nodes. This option cannot
be used in conjunction with -all, -detail, -patch.
Reports bugs fixed by installed patches in a tabular format.
Besides the bugs fixed, the report also displays the installed
patches, installed times, and bug descriptions.
The fixed bugs are sorted per installed patch. Default display
is patches in descending order based on installed time and
ascending order of bugs within each patch. You can use 'asc'
(or) 'desc' with this option to enforce sort order on bugs
within each patch.
You can use this option with the patch (or) patch_id option to
obtain sort orders with installed patches.
If -retry is specified, this option tells OPatch how
many seconds it should wait before attempting to lock
inventory again in case of a previous failure.
Report installed products and other details. This
option cannot be used in conjunction with all option.
This option tells OPatch to group all installed
patches by the date they were installed in the
Oracle Home
This option lists all the inactive patches that have been
superseded by other superset patch(es) installed in the
Oracle Home
Used to locate the oraInst.loc file. When the
installation used the invPtrLoc flag. This should be
the path to the oraInst.loc file
This option tells OPatch to use JRE (java) from the
specified location instead of the default location
under Oracle Home
This option tells OPatch to display inventory
information of the local node only
The oracle home to work on. This takes precedence over
the environment variable ORACLE_HOME
Lists the patch IDs installed in the Oracle home in ascending
(asc) or descending (desc) order, which is the default, based on
installed time.
Lists the patch IDs installed in the oracle home
in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order based on
patch numbers. The value defaults to ascending (asc).
This option is used to specify the connect string credentials
of the portal schema
This option is used to specify the password of the portal
This option is used to specify the schema of the portal
The user defined property file for OPatch to use. The
path to the property file should be absolute. This
property file takes precedence over the one that is
supplied with OPatch
This option tells OPatch how many times it should
retry in case of an inventory lock failure
Report installed translation patch(es) in a tabular format.
The report displays translation patch, unique patch identifier,
language code, installed time of the translation patch and base
patch for any single row in the table.
This operation does not have any required parameters.
OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch lspatches -help
List and verify patch metadata specified by patch ID (installed in
ORACLE_HOME) or patch location.
opatch lspatches [-id ]
[-qfile ]
[ -bugs ]
[ -verify ]
[ -required ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ]
[-oh ]
[ ]
This option specifies the patch number. It must be registered
in the Oracle Home inventory. It can be any numeric sequence or
combined with language. Ex. 11111, 11111/zh_CN. It can't support
multiple patch IDs.
Specify the relative path to Oracle Home of the file to determine
the latest patch that touches this file.
Ex. On Linux: admin/rdbms/catcpu.sql
On Windows: admin\rdbms\catcpu.sql
OPatch can tell which latest patch touches the file catcpu.sql
in Oracle Home.
Print bugs info for every patch.
This option would verify if the specified patch ID or patch
location is registered in Oracle Home inventory or not. Besides,
it will verify if all patch files are ok in $ORACLE_HOME.
This option should be accompanied by either option -id
or .
Ex. opatch lspatches -id 111 -verify
opatch lspatches /scratch/test/111 -verify
This option will print key metadata only. This includes the
following metadata: required components, prereq patches,
executables to shutdown and support platforms.
This option should be accompanied by either option -id
or .
Used to locate the oraInst.loc file. When the installation uses
the invPtrLoc flag, the value should indicate the path to
oraInst.loc file
This option tells OPatch to use JRE (java) from the
specified location instead of the default location
under Oracle Home
The oracle home to work on. This takes precedence over
the environment variable ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@slient ~]$
[oracle@slient ~]$ opatch napply -help
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
This operation is used to Apply a set of patches at a time.
Use -silent to apply the patches in silent mode.
opatch napply [patch_location] [-id comma-separated list of patch IDs]
[ -all_nodes ]
[-connectString ]
[-delay ] [ -force ] [ -force_conflict ]
quotes> [-opatch_init_end] ]
[-invPtrLoc ]
[-jre ] [ -local ]
[ -local_node ]
[-minimize_downtime ] [-no_bug_superset ]
[-no_inventory ] [-no_relink]
[-no_sysmod] [-ocmrf ]
[-oh ]
[ -phBaseDir
of patch directories> ]
[ -phBaseFile
location of the patches to be applied> ]
escaped double quotes> [-opatch_post_end] ]
escaped double quotes> [-opatch_pre_end] ]
[-profile_mask ]
[ -property_file ]
[-ptlConnect ]
[-ptlPassword ]
[-ptlSchema ]
[ -remote_nodes ]
[-retry ] [-runSql] [-silent ]
[-skip_subset] [-skip_duplicate]
[-sqlScript ] [-verbose ]
Apply the patch using all-node mode.
This option can be used to specify the list of database
instances on which the patch needs to be applied. The
value for this option is specified as per the following
syntax "SID:User:Passwd:Node". The SID is a must, others
can be ignored, OPatch takes default values for it.
Ex: oracle:dba:dba:mymachine,oracle1:::
NOTE: If the system is not part of RAC setup, then to
patch just the local node, provide the node name as
empty string.
If -retry is specified, this options tells OPatch how
many seconds it should wait before attempting to lock
inventory again in case of a previous failure.
This option is meaningful with 'silent' option and is used
to override the behavior of silent under specific